My Husband Made Us Swingers Without Asking Me
I won’t say the thought of bringing something new into our very domesticated sex-life doesn’t have a certain appeal.
I Have A Work Husband. Should My Real Husband Be Nervous?
When to draw the line at an emotional affair — even if it hasn’t started yet.
I Lost A Ton Of Weight. My Husband Is Nervous.
I worry I'm overreacting... at the same time, WTF?
My Husband Is The Breadwinner & It's Killing My Sex Drive
When we both worked, our sex life was great. Now that I’m financially dependent on him, I no longer desire sex with him.
Can I Date My Kid’s Teacher?
I've struck out on dating apps. Is it too close to home if I date my kid's teacher?
My Son Is Dating My Much Older Divorced Friend
Is there a powerful differential? Does it matter?
My Spouse Became Polyamorous... And Didn’t Tell Me
My longtime partner suddenly became too open about sex with others for my liking. Am I being too judgmental?
My Husband & I Have Incompatible Libidos. Help!
My sex drive lags compared to my husband's. Is there anything I can do... and should I?
My Kid Found My Kink App. What The Hell Do I Do Now?
My husband and I are happily having a sex renaissance. How do I establish boundaries with my kids while still being sex positive?
My Anti-Depressants Are A Godsend -- But They're Wrecking My Sex Life
So... how should I talk about it with my partner?
Help! My Husband Finds Cleaning ‘Charming & Feminine.’
When the division of domestic labor impacts your sex life.
I Cheated. I Liked It. What Now?
Now there's a secret lurking in my marriage. How do I move forward?
When Do Separate Bedrooms Become Separation?
Your partner sleeps separately. When might that become an actual separation?
Has ‘The Sex Talk’ Become Obsolete?
Our kids have evolved past it, and I’m OK with that.