Ilana Glazer's 'Human Magic' Is All About Raunchy, Honest Motherhood
The comedian’s new Hulu special tackles the birth of her daughter, sex, and, of course, how hot Aladdin is.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know Ilana Glazer from the beloved comedy Broad City, her standup, and perhaps her latest film, Babes. But the comedian and mom is now focused on launching her latest special, Human Magic, on Hulu later this month.
The nearly hour-long special (seriously the perfect length of TV for a mom), which she filmed in Toronto this past spring, is all about her pregnancy and birth, mothering a toddler, marriage, and pop culture from her youth and today. Oh, and also how ungodly hot Aladdin is. She opens the show with a zinger all moms — no matter how tired or broken they might be — can relate to, “I have been most shocked by the joy.” But of course, in true Ilana Glazer style, she spends the special both embracing and rebutting that joy.
Of birth, she hilariously says: “When she was laid on my chest, I said to her those three magic words: ‘Holy fucking shit!’ Holy fucking shit! Magic! Human magic!’ I said to her, ‘You are magic, I am magic, we are magic!’ I said to my husband, ‘You witnessed magic; you are so lucky.’ It was us, girl!!!”
This is the same woman who spoke with Scary Mommy earlier this year about her movie Babe, relationships post-motherhood, and managing toddlerhood. “It’s so hard. It’s so hard!” she told us of the dreaded toddler years. “Babies are so high needs but without the personality. With toddlers, there’s all this reasoning, and you can’t reason with someone who’s extremely drunk. You can’t reason with them! They’re all feeling. They have big feelings that their bodies can’t hold. And my goal right now in this toddler phase is to remember to gently guide and support those big feelings.” Sounds right.
Human Magic is raunchy and real and laugh-out-loud funny, and honestly lays bare what it’s like being a woman and mom in modern American society. Don’t miss it when it debuts on Hulu later this month.
Here’s a sneak peek at the trailer:
And for good measure, here’s Ilana as a pretend OB-GYN for Scary Mommy earlier this year: