Unsung Holiday Heroes

These “Minor” Christmas Movie Characters 100% Deserve Their Own Reboots

Where’s Marv and Harry’s backstory buddy comedy?!

by Kelly Schremph
Originally Published: 
Ariela Basson/Fatherly; Shutterstock, Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, 20th Century Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures,

Another holiday season is upon us, and with that comes the always merry tradition of watching a wide variety of Christmas-skewed content on a loop well into the new year. From beloved Christmas movies to tried-and-true holiday-themed TV episodes (who doesn’t love the Holiday Armadillo?), there’s plenty of festive entertainment at the ready for your viewing pleasure. For many families, Christmas movie nights are a central tradition in all the holiday fun. In fact, several of you have probably watched some of these films so often you feel as if you really know a lot of the key players inside and out. But what about those other iconic Christmas characters you don’t know as well?

As much as I love Kevin McCallister and Buddy the Elf, I feel like I already know everything I need to know about their lives and backstories. However, that’s not necessarily the case for every character we’ve encountered throughout the endless Christmas classics. Some of these beloved figures have more than earned their rightful time in the spotlight. And since remakes continue to be all the rage these days, here are a few helpful suggestions of which Christmas characters most deserve a reboot treatment.

1. Bernard from The Santa Clause

Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Let’s be real here: Scott Calvin would’ve never become the Santa Claus he is today without the help of good old Bernard. This guy does not tolerate any nonsense and has a special Elf Boss Energy that no one else can seem to touch. And yet, despite what a great, likable character he is, viewers barely know anything about him. Does he have any family? How did he come to be head elf? How many Santas has he worked with? I need to know his origin story more than I need to know what the heck is in Judy’s 1,200-year-in-the-making hot cocoa recipe.

2. Marv and Harry from Home Alone

20th Century Fox

As much as I enjoy seeing these two criminals get their butts kicked, both physically and psychologically, by an 8-year-old boy, I’ve also always been very interested in learning more about their background. How did Marv meet Harry, and what caused them to get into a life of crime together? I would watch a buddy comedy about a young version of these two any day of the week and twice on Christmas.

3. Wanda from Elf

New Line Cinema

Faizon Love didn’t have much screen time as Gimbel’s store manager Wanda in Elf, and yet he delivered such memorable scenes each and every time. It honestly makes me want more Wanda-related content. What’s life like at Gimbel’s when it isn’t Christmastime? Are there other holidays that prove to be this exciting there? And what does Wanda do when he isn’t absolutely crushing it at his job? These are the things that keep me up at night (and yes, I realize that makes me a super cool person, thank you).

4. Max from How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Universal Pictures

Sure, the Grinch tried to act all tough. Honestly, though, we should’ve known he was a softy all along due to the fact that he’s a dog owner. He may have bossed Max around, but deep down, he’d do anything for his fur baby (as would we all). How did this power duo team up in the first place? Was Max also an outcast of Whoville? Did the Grinch find him at a pet store? Give us the Max origin story we deserve!

5. The Ghosts in The Muppet Christmas Carol

Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Where do they go — and what do they do — when they aren’t haunting someone on Christmas Eve? Do they cover other holidays as well, or is this strictly just a Christmas gig? It could prove very interesting to take a look behind the curtain at the lives of these widely renowned ghosts.

6. Arthur in The Holiday

Sony Pictures Releasing

From all the stories he shared with Iris, this guy seemed to have such an incredible life, both professionally and romantically. From getting to work with such big Hollywood names within the entertainment industry to having a long and loving marriage, Arthur has all the qualities of a leading man. He has earned the right to the Holiday spotlight so we can all witness firsthand how his exciting life unfolded.

7. The Pigeon Lady in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

20th Century Fox

As someone who lived in New York City for over a decade, I find this woman’s love of pigeons highly troublesome. New York City pigeons are not cute, and you should honestly avoid them at all costs. However, the way this woman used them as a weapon to stop Harry and Marv is genuinely brilliant and has more than earned her a right to this list. I would watch her and these pigeons solve crimes on the regular. Give me all of that fowl-friendly content.

Your move, entertainment industry.

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