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Why Does My Mouth Feel Like A Sticky Cave When I Workout?

Even if you’re drinking plenty of water, it can feel like tacky mouth central in there.

by Samantha Darby
A focused woman exercising on an elliptical machine in a gym. She appears determined, with a light s...
JGI/Tom Grill/Tetra images/Getty Images

I love a good, hard cardio workout on the elliptical or treadmill while at the gym. There’s just something about blasting my workout playlist through my earbuds that makes me want to push myself harder and farther than ever before on those machines, and literally nothing can hold me back — except for my incredibly tacky and sticky mouth. It doesn’t matter how much water I drink before or during a workout; I immediately look like a dog with peanut butter on the roof of its mouth as soon as my heart rate starts increasing. What gives?

Of course, your first thought might be dehydration, and Michael J. Wei, DDS, agrees. Wei — who is the founder of Manhattan Cosmetic in New York City and specializes in general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry — shares with Scary Mommy that any kind of tacky or sticky feeling in your mouth during physical activity can be caused by dehydration. Even if you think you’re fully hydrated (like me, the lady who seems to pee every 17 minutes), as you exercise or engage in strenuous activity, your body loses quite a bit of fluid through sweat. “Dehydration can result in reduced saliva production, leading to a sticky or dry mouth feeling,” Wei says.

Erin Fraundorf, DMD, MSD, owner and founder of BOCA Orthodontic + Whitening Studio, agrees and notes that because your body prioritizes blood flow to your muscles, heart, and lungs in a workout, your saliva production takes a hit. If you’re a big caffeine or pre-workout drinker, that might affect it a bit, too. “Many pre-workout drinks, caffeine, or certain medications can contribute to dry mouth by reducing saliva flow,” Fraundorf says. “A lack of electrolytes — like sodium and potassium — can also affect saliva consistency, making it feel sticky.”

And I’m sorry to inform you, but your tacky mouth might also be from all that huffing and mouth-breathing you’re doing through your workout. Which isn’t a bad thing! You’re working hard, and you need that air. Wei says mouth-breathing can dry out saliva more quickly than breathing through the nose, so the harder you go, the more likely you are to have a sticky, tacky mouth. Try to breathe deeply through your nose for your workouts (that can come with practice) to help eliminate that.

Luckily, you also can combat this super annoying (and extremely gross-feeling) issue by staying hydrated before, during, and after your physical activity. Drinking water regularly — not just during a workout — will help maintain your saliva production. Wei also recommends sugar-free gum or lozenges to help stimulate saliva production and alleviate that tackiness. Sour foods like lemons, sour candies, or sugar-free lemon drops can also help.

Fraundorf recommends small sips of water throughout your workout rather than big chugs, along with adding electrolytes: “An imbalance of electrolytes and lack of sodium, potassium, or magnesium can contribute to thicker saliva. Try a low-sugar electrolyte drink or coconut water.”

If you’ve tried everything and are still experiencing a lot of sticky saliva, Wei says it’s worth reaching out to your dentist to rule out any underlying dental issues. Breathing through your mouth can restrict that saliva flow, which could actually affect your oral hygiene. “Saliva helps to neutralize acids in your mouth and wash away food particles, so a dry mouth can increase the risk of tooth decay and other oral health issues,” Wei says. A dry mouth caused by mouth-breathing can also make your mouth more conducive to bacteria growth.

But don’t let any of this stop you from getting your fitness on. By drinking plenty of water — every day, not just during your workout — and working on breathing exercises, you can alleviate that sticky, tacky exercise mouth and protect your teeth and gums. Grab you a packet of sugar-free gum, set your watch to workout mode, and do the damn thing.