‘I Secretly Wish My Husband Would Have An Affair’
In the latest Confessions roundup, parents reveal what’s on their minds, from annoying in-laws to sex fatigue and more.

If there’s one thing you can always count on from the end of summer, it’s that oh-so-lovely feeling that you just might lose your sh*t at any given minute. From trying to squeeze in every last minute of “freedom” to dealing with the back-to-school frenzy, we’re all a little... frazzled. The corporate grind may have you ready to put in your two weeks' notice and take up barista-ing. Maybe it’s your mother-in-law, your sister, or even (and probably most likely) your kids driving you up the wall. But everyone’s just sort of over it by this point, judging by this week’s Confessional roundup.
And, yep, that tracks! Keep reading for some seriously relatable revelations, from understandable annoyances and turnoffs to menopause pain, financial stressors, and more.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.
I dread every interaction with my in-laws.
Confessional #57276512
I cannot stand my best friend's kid AND how she parents him.
Confessional #56642114
Sometimes I want to quit my corporate job and become a barista.
Confessional #55262252
Balancing career ambition and family time is giving me visceral anxiety.
Confessional #55606214
My mom bff has become so hot and cold with me (currently very cold), and it hurts.
Confessional #56928330
I've been planning this vaca for a year. The ppl that came with me are ruining it for me.
Confessional #57385116
When my husband drinks, it turns me off.
Confessional #56582255
I'm so f*cking tired of being anxious all the time. It's exhausting. I'm just so tired.
Confessional #57691349
My kids are angels at school and awful at home. I'm exhausted and burned out.
Confessional #55987858
I secretly wish my husband would have an affair so he would admit he doesn't love me anymore.
Confessional #52866612
Menopause is kicking my a**! No one around me understands.
Confessional #53772449
I think my sister creates a lot of her own parenting problems but don't know how to tell her that.
Confessional #55714647
I get angry sometimes that my husband doesn't make enough money to support us.
Confessional #56902157
I hate that we can't afford a house bc both kids are in full-time daycare.
Confessional #54973486
Sex is so much lately. I feel like I'm never in the mood, or is it just my husband?
Confessional #57031489
We can't afford to have another child with the astronomical cost of living, and it's destroying me.
Confessional #53234321
Coming home from a vacation makes me miserable. I don't miss being home!
Confessional #57762095
What’s on your mind right now?