
The February Confessions Are In & The Moms Are Feeling *A Lot*

In the latest Confessions roundup, 21 moms share their motherhood worries and fears.

by Samantha Darby
A mother holds a baby while looking weary, surrounded by children and books. Text bubbles express he...
Natalia Lebedinskaia/Getty Images

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. You know that saying that says having a child is like having your heart walk around outside of your body? It’s incredibly accurate, and this week in the Scary Mommy Confessions, the moms are really feeling that. From fears about their child’s autism and ADHD diagnoses to watching their kids navigate their first crushes and big sports tryouts, there’s a lot happening. You can’t protect your kids from everything, and as they grow, that becomes more and more obvious... and extra heartbreaking.

So, find the truly relatable mom confessions below and take a deep breath — your kids have you, and that’s always a major plus.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

My daughters emotional decline has me feeling like a failure of a mom

Confession #52289611

I hope my daughter makes the team this year. Third try. 🙏 🙏 🙏

Confession #51889123

I want to leave my husband but I don’t want to split time with the kids.

Confession #54413388

I have a 4-month-old and I’m five weeks pregnant. It’s my fourth baby. I’m freaking out.

Confession #52921480

I don’t want to raise my child in America anymore.

Confession #50087289

I can’t afford groceries for my three girls.

Confession # 55689270

Pissed I can’t get my kid into the kindergarten I want. It’s all filled. Like applying to college.

Confession #50026869

I can’t find my kid’s birth certificate. Where could it be?

Confession #52206518

My son is on the spectrum. I don’t want him to be bullied. He’s amazing!

Confession #51447984

I always feel like I have no idea what I’m doing with raising kids.

Confession #50994521

I want my daughter to date her crush — 6-month flirtationship is too long. Hard to watch.

Confession #51173886

I got drunk and went off on the school superintendent.

Confession #51881874

Want my daughter to be well. She is addicted to opioids.

Confession #51188000

My oldest is ADHD and I worry so much about him and his adjustment socially. It’s so hard.

Confession #50712323

My 15yo daughter is so mentally strong & resilient that I am impressed. I wish I could be like her.

Confession #50001008

We don’t need gifts for the kids, we need college savings.

Confession #53208709

I think my nanny is a better mom to my kids than I am.

Confession #52711300

Having a hard time conceiving 2nd child (1st difficult too) — don’t want my first to grow up alone.

Confession #50808976

My toddler was diagnosed with autism 🧩

Confession #51482298

I wish I could be more present with my kids & fully appreciate the life I do have.

Confession #52908209

I’m a SAHM & often feel like I’m really bad at my job. 💔

Confession #53821049