Prone To Anxiety, Stress, & Introversion? You May Be A Type D Personality
A therapist explains what that means and why it’s an important distinction.

People are innately curious, so we tend to gravitate toward any sort of test or label that might help us better understand ourselves. It’s why we read our horoscopes (even if we don’t entirely believe in astrology). Or why we flood the comment sections of TikTok videos about behavioral traits tied to things like our cars (Are you a gray SUV mom? What does the messiness of your minivan say about you?). And then there are the classic personality types, with type A and type B getting the most attention. Type Cs exist too, though, and wrapping up the four primary personality types is arguably the least well-known of the bunch: type D.
Spoiler alert? This personality type belongs to the anxious. In fact, some mental health professionals say the “D” stands for distressed. But as we dive in here, it’s important to remember that although type Ds are different than other personality types, that doesn’t mean one is more capable or “better” than the other. Knowledge is power, and when we understand ourselves or each other better, we can learn how to best work with our traits as well as how we might be able to grow and expand into self-aware and healthier individuals.
With that said, here’s what you need to know about the definition of a type D personality, along with some of the most common traits.
What is a type D personality?
Researchers have found that people with Type D personality have high levels of both negative affectivity and social inhibition.
“They’re typically more introverted and sensitive,” confirms licensed marriage and family therapist Melissa Legere, clinical director and co-founder of California Behavioral Health. “They usually get stressed easily and tend to be pessimistic about a lot of things. While they can be deep thinkers and value close relationships, their tendency to worry and avoid conflict can sometimes make it difficult for them to fully open up or take action when needed.”
A type D's social inhibition also means they are more likely to remain isolated because they have trouble trusting others. They commonly fear rejection and judgment and would rather be alone than risk being vulnerable. As a result, type D personality types often don't have the healthy support system they need when it comes to times of distress.
Even when type Ds are able to connect with others and create friendships and relationships, they often struggle with maintaining them since their pessimistic outlook and inability to communicate their feelings keep people at arm's length.
As parents, type D personalities may be more reserved and sensitive, says Legere, adding, “They tend to be protective and can get really stressed about their children’s wellbeing. While they may not always express their emotions openly, their deep care for their kids is clear. They may struggle with conflict and try to avoid difficult conversations, which can sometimes lead to unresolved issues that can cause tension and misunderstanding in the family dynamic.”
What are some tell-tale type D personality traits?
According to VeryWellMind, these are the most common type D personality traits.
- Worries a lot
- Frequently feels sad
- Irritable
- Pessimistic outlook
- Negative self-talk
- Avoidance of social situations
- Lack of self-confidence
- Fear of rejection
- Appears gloomy
- Hopelessness
Even though the above traits are common to everyone at some point, the difference with a type D personality is that these things are experienced on a more frequent and regular basis. If you think you or someone you know is a type D personality type, here are some questions to keep in mind:
- Do you worry a lot?
- Do you find yourself avoiding social situations more often than not?
- Tune into your thoughts: Are you often self-critical?
- Are you in a bad mood more often than it seems like other people are?
- Do you have trouble expressing your emotions?
If you find yourself answering yes to most of these questions, you might have a type D personality.
What’s the difference between type D personality and depressive disorder?
You probably picked up on the fact that many of the traits exhibited by type D personalities can be signs of major depressive disorder or depression. In fact, research suggests that the type D personality has been found to be related to depression in the general population. According to one study published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, type D “can be regarded as a psychopathological condition, as these individuals are at increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic or phobic disorder, and medical disorders like cardiovascular disease and stroke.”
Research has also shown that type D personalities are at higher risk for things like coronary artery disease, compromised immune function, and chronic inflammation.
The reason for these links is unclear but is actively being studied. What’s critical to understand is that just because you have a type D personality doesn’t mean you will, without a shadow of a doubt, develop any of these disorders — it just means you may have a predisposition to them.
How can you support or help a type D personality?
Every personality type has some good things to expand upon while leaving room to improve other areas for a higher quality of life. If you’re a type D, or someone you love is and you want to support them, here are a few tips.
- Revel in your independence, but also make time for social engagement. Remember that you have a lot to offer others and vice versa.
- Manage stressful moments in your life by regularly incorporating techniques such as breath work and meditation to help ease your anxiety. Regular exercise is another stress-buster.
- Tune into your feelings. It's OK to feel your feelings; in fact, it's a great way to understand why you are feeling the way you are. Next time you feel sad, ask yourself what do you need in that moment? What are your feelings telling you?
- You have a lot of amazing qualities. Keep a list of the things you are proud of to read whenever you're feeling low.
Of course, it’s always advisable to seek professional help if you feel as though you’re a type D personality whose tendencies toward anxiety, depression, and loneliness are adversely affecting your ability to function healthily and participate in your everyday life. A mental health expert can help you with tools like cognitive behavioral therapy or the right medications to meet your needs.