Brianne Hogan

Hi, I’m Brianne. I write mostly Lifestyle stories for Scary Mommy, including health & wellness, and all things sex and relationships. I also like re-watching movies from the ‘90s and writing about them, which I’ve done with “Love, Actually” (which is terrible) and “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (which is still pretty great).

I graduated from NYU with a degree in Dramatic Literature, Theatre History & Cinema Studies. I didn’t know what to do with that either so I waitressed a lot until I wrote some off-off-off-Broadway plays. Some of which appeared in festivals in New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto. Then before I knew it, I was blogging for a living. Then blogging turned into freelance writing and a career that’s spanned over a decade, including a few temporary stops as an associate editor and a communications officer for a non-profit animal welfare organization.

My writing has appeared in over 50 online publications, including The Washington Post, the BBC, Elle Canada, and BuzzFeed. I’m also the author of two books published with Adams Media and Running Press, respectively

I have a black cat named Olive and six plants named after the Friends characters — that is, if I don’t kill them soon. The plants, not the cat. Although she probably would deserve it. (just kidding — she’s my world!)


10 Quiet Sex Toys That’ll Make “Me Time” Super Discreet

By Brianne Hogan

The real challenge will be keeping yourself quiet.

Untimely Toots

Yep, Farting During Sex Is A Thing That Happens — Here’s Why

By Brianne Hogan

So this is... normal?

Expert Advice

Can You Take Plan B While Breastfeeding?

By Brianne Hogan

Here’s what an OB-GYN says you should know about your options.

For The Glass-Half-Empty Girlies

Prone To Anxiety, Stress, & Introversion? You May Be A Type D Personality

By Brianne Hogan

A therapist explains what that means and why it’s an important distinction.

Get That Bread

How Do You Parent & Have A Side Hustle Without Screwing Up Both? We Asked An Expert

By Brianne Hogan

Neha Ruch, mother, entrepreneur, and founder of Mother Untitled, shares tips for striking an actual balance.

Shaking Things Up

What’s A Unicorn In A Relationship? A Sexologist Breaks Down This Spicy Dating Dynamic

By Brianne Hogan

Start here before you go there.

The More You Know

Are You A “Type C” Personality? Here’s How You Can Tell, According To Therapists

By Brianne Hogan

If types A and B just don’t quite fit, you might just fall here.

A Healthy Start

What Is “Emotional Sobriety”? Experts Explain Why You Should Consider This Recovery Principle

By Brianne Hogan

If you’ve felt a little out of control at any point over the last few years (and honestly, who hasn’t?), read this.

Your Merry Must-Watch

Which Holiday Rom-Com You Should Watch, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

By Brianne Hogan

Here’s your holiday break movie pick, made easy.

The Big O(xytocin)

Is Sex Good For Stress Relief & Anxiety? Let’s Talk Science — & Positions

By Brianne Hogan

You might want to be stressed more often.

🎵 Let it go, Let it go 🎵

Why Farting In Front Of Your Partner Is Actually Good For Your Relationship

By Brianne Hogan

Holding things in rarely does any good, right?

Still Relatable

Pieces Of April Is The Best Thanksgiving Movie You Forgot To Watch

By Brianne Hogan

Family is complicated. So is cooking turkey. Both are usually worth the effort.

Justice for... No one?

I Just Watched The OG Cruel Intentions For The First Time & Whoa, The Sexism

By Brianne Hogan

The movie hit theaters 25 years ago, and yet the virgin-whore complex is still alive and well. (Unlike Sebastian.)

The Tension Is Palpable

Can A Relationship With Political Differences Really Work? Experts Offer Advice

By Brianne Hogan

From defusing political arguments with your partner to knowing if your relationship is even salvageable, here’s what the pros suggest.

Best Time of Year

Which Meg Ryan Movie You Should Watch Right Now, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

By Brianne Hogan

Meg Ryan Fall is the best kind of fall.

Because ✨Self-Care✨

10 Legitimate Health Reasons You Should Masturbate Tonight

By Brianne Hogan

Closing the orgasm gap, one self-pleasure session at a time.

*Knead* To Know Info

Why Does My Cat Make Biscuits?

By Brianne Hogan

It's really cute, but there's also a good reason for all that baking.

Your Time to Shine

50 Virgo Quotes That Capture These Practical Perfectionists

By Brianne Hogan

They’ll make you say, “Yep, that tracks.”


Why Does My Cat Bite Me, AKA The Literal Hand That Feeds Them? What Gives?

By Brianne Hogan

A veterinarian unpacks this classic cat behavior.

It's A Thing

Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me? There’s Actually Some Science Behind This Behavior

By Brianne Hogan

The cute quirk even has its own special name.