Lauren Davidson

Lauren Davidson has written numerous essays for Scary Mommy on topics including mental health, playdates, and becoming a stay-at-home/work-from-home mom against her will.

She has been an associate editor at Pittsburgh Magazine for the past 10 years, covering weddings, home and lifestyle, arts and culture, and news. She got her start in journalism at the University of Pittsburgh after skipping class to cover the Robot Hall of Fame induction ceremony with R2-D2 and C-3PO for her college newspaper. Somehow, she went on to graduate with degrees in English literature and English writing as well as a minor in French. She worked at several newspapers in western Pennsylvania and Connecticut before joining a small women’s magazine in Sharon, Pennsylvania. She got her dream job in Pittsburgh the same week she got married in 2013.

A native of western Pennsylvania, she is proudly not a Pittsburgh Steelers fan but will attend a football game if someone buys her nachos. She has three boys, one girl, one cat and a writer husband. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading about writing, talking about writing and thinking about things she’d like to write about. She also enjoys going to the movies and exploring her city with her kids, and she thinks winter is the best season and she is correct.

hard pass

I Can’t — & Won’t — Force My Husband To Go To The Doctor

By Lauren Davidson

It’s not that I don’t care about his health. I’m just not his mother.

back in the day

I Read My Old Diaries To Try To Understand My Kids

By Lauren Davidson

Tales of a fourth-grade me have reminded me to pay more attention to my kids’ thoughts and feelings.

Not even a little bit ready

This Could Be The Last Christmas My Kid Believes, & I’m Not OK

By Lauren Davidson

I fear we’re at the end of his relationship with Santa Claus. And I fear what that will mean for our relationship.


Who Decided Spiders Should Be A Halloween Mascot?

By Lauren Davidson

They make me loathe Halloween.

much needed

I Started Taking PTO The First Week Of School & It Saved Me

By Lauren Davidson

No matter how much I prepare, there are always curveballs when the kids go back to school.

not so happy bday

The Insane Sticker Shock Of Kids' Birthday Parties

By Lauren Davidson

Finding an affordable option for kids’ birthday parties seems impossible, no matter how you slice it.

Running out of time

I Have So Many Questions For My Parents... But Not Enough Time

By Lauren Davidson

As a busy mom, I don’t know when or how to ask them.

never ending task list

Birthday Parties Are Their Own Separate Mental Load

By Lauren Davidson

And I don’t just mean when I’m the one hosting.


I've Made It 10 Years As A Mom. Here's What I Know.

By Lauren Davidson

Along with celebrating the person he’s becoming, I’m celebrating my own anniversary.

extra sprinkles

We Saved Valentine's Day From Being A Big Disappointment Every Year

By Lauren Davidson

A slight pivot made everything better.

fair share

I Don't Need Help. I Need A Parenting Co-Worker.

By Lauren Davidson

You’re not “helping” me. We’re in this together.

holiday traditions

Trust Me, You’re Doing Enough For The Holidays

By Lauren Davidson

Even if you don’t feel like it, your kids are experiencing magic. I promise.

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia

My Kids Absolutely Fit The Birth Order Stereotypes

By Lauren Davidson

So much for thinking I’m raising all my kids the same.

just chill

Yes, My Picky Eater Is Still Picky On Thanksgiving

By Lauren Davidson

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go … to disappoint her.

Keep it simple

I Enjoy Putting Absolutely No Thought Into My Kids’ Halloween Costumes

By Lauren Davidson

Don't feel bad if you're not doing some elaborate nonsense for Instagram. Free yourself!

no no no

Why Do Moms Have To Ask For Help In The First Place?

By Lauren Davidson

When moms get overwhelmed, helpful dads will suggest we make them a list. That’s more work for us.

please stop

I Said No Gifts & Damn It, I Mean It.

By Lauren Davidson

Fewer presents = less stress for everyone, and that’s my only goal for my kids’ birthday parties.


Does Everyone Have A Million Piles In Their House Or Is It Just Me?

By Lauren Davidson

And why does it fall to the mom to put everything away?

basically unicorns

Why Is It So D*mn Hard To Find A Babysitter These Days?

By Lauren Davidson

These mythical creatures only exist in the movies.

Big Feelings

How Am I Supposed To Deal With My Kid’s Anxiety When I Can’t Even Deal With My Own?

By Lauren Davidson

Sometimes when he cries I just start crying too.